Meet a CSGer: Peter
Around here Peter MacKellar is kind of a legend. Yes, he’s a senior vice president and he’s managed quite the colorful roster of clients in his time, but Peter has a cachet all his own. He’s a Patagonia wearing, Dave Matthews listening, burrito eating, soup making friend to all. Here he is in his own words.
Futbol is Life
In the words of the immortal Danny Rojas — futbol is life. Whether it was serving as the setting for my first date with my now-wife (USA vs. England in the 2010 World Cup) to attending the inaugural Snow Clasico here in Denver or our trip to France a few years back that finally found me a European team to follow (Allez l'OM!), soccer always seems to be there. You can usually find me up at an ungodly hour on the weekends to watch some random European matches before OM comes on at 1 p.m. local time, braving what might be strangest weather patterns ever at Dick’s SGP to eat average-at-best warm dog (they can’t be called hot dogs) or plotting to eventually visit my bucket list of stadiums worldwide (The Velodrome, RheinEnergieSTADION and Elland Road are at the top).
CSG’s Resident Influencer
What began as a casual throwaway joke has turned into a bonafide marketing opportunity, if only I was more up with the youth. I once casually mentioned that I — the person who still doesn’t know how to use “vibe” in a sentence, likes the iPhone 12 mini because its smaller and for the longest time thought TikToc was actually TicToc because of the journalism term — was in fact an influencer. Not only did this result in the well-deserved mockery of my coworkers and some clients, I also like to think it led to the creation of my very own sticker for the CSG 2021 water bottle collection which, in fact, proves my abilities as an influencer. Now if only I had an affiliate code to sell things….
I’m Chronically Late in Asana
My coworkers, whom I love very dearly, understand that I may, from time to time, be late in checking off my tasks in Asana. There is, however, most often a reason — I simply didn’t realize there was a subtask to complete yet I did review the materials, I sent the document to client but didn’t want to wait the two seconds for the requisite task to become available to claim unicorns, or I might be waiting on feedback from our clients and like to have a red task to remind myself that we’ve got outstanding feedback coming back our way. No matter what, I promise there’s always a good reason I haven’t grabbed those unicorns, and I encourage you all to:
I’ve Technically Farmed in North Dakota
“Oh, I didn’t see you there. You’ve caught me mending my fences. One of the many things I do here on the farm.” Peter MacKellar, as Will Ferrell, as George W. Bush. As some of you might know, my wife’s family has a family farm in North Dakota that we visit at least once per year (except 2020, thanks COVID). We’ve got a rhythm down for those - stopping in Valentine, Nebraska, at the halfway point to hit their local brewery Bolo and get some mid-trip sleep, making burgers at the farm and pulling tabs at the Legion. While many people might think that annual visits to a town with less than 2,000 people might not be a highlight of the year, I treasure my trips to North Dakota because of everything that it doesn’t have — a great internet connection (but you’ll still get random emails from me), a regular supply of fresh craft beers, or anything to distract me from how beautiful and peaceful the family farm is.
I’m from Colorado (but I’m the First)
Yep, I’m originally from Colorado. But you’d be forgiven if you thought I was from New England. I was (and believe I still am) the only member of my extended family to be born west of the New Jersey state line. We’d visit the east coast every summer to see family and friends when I was a kid, and those trips left me always wanting to move to Boston or somewhere similar when I “grew up.” Flash forward to 2010 and living in New York City...and there was nowhere I wanted to be more than back home in Colorado. Sure, I love visiting Maine every year for Ghostland and to see my family, and I have a long list of places around the globe I want to see one day, but I love knowing that I’ll always have this wonderful, amazing state to call home.
Ready for more from the minds behind CSG? Take a peek at The Inventing Room to see what has us talking.