The CSG Proust Questionnaire with John Stavinga
French essayist and novelist Marcel Proust didn’t devise the Proust Questionnaire, but he did popularize it, making him one of the 20th century’s earliest influencers. According to Proust, answering the questionnaire can reveal your true nature. Read on to discover the true nature of CSG Director, John Stavinga.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
“To me, perfect happiness is when there isn’t a worry in the world. I’m able to find this elusive mindset when I’m on vacation. I can sit on a beach, drink a beer and be surrounded by loved ones. No problems, no stress.”
What is your greatest fear?
“I don’t have many fears, but one I do have is failure. Like most people, I enjoy succeeding at what I do, so I try to take on little-to-no risk so that I’m always in a position to succeed. But, when I do take on risk I always have a fear in the back of my mind that I’m going to fail in a way that can’t be fixed.”
Which living person do you most admire?
“I admire the people who have to deal with nonsense on a daily basis. Scientists dealing with people who think the world is flat or think 5G towers are causing COVID-19. The world is an unbelievable place with all kinds of people in it; I’m blessed I don’t have to deal with those kinds of people and admire the ones who manage it respectfully.”
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
“I overuse the word ‘thing.’ I use it to describe everything and often just throw it into sentences when I am talking and don’t know what else to say. My wife also says that I say ‘you know’ a lot when I’m rambling in meetings, so there’s that.”
What talent would you most like to have?
“I wish I had a photographic memory. Remembering details — big or small — is so challenging, having a photographic memory would just make life so much easier. Remembering your notes ahead of a test. Remembering all the names of everyone you meet. Remembering small, intricate details about someone that you can bring back up in conversation to show that you care. I feel like it would just give me a leg up in life.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
“I wish I cared less about what people think of me. Some people are so outgoing, it’s impressive. I end up being an introvert when first introduced, and an extrovert once you get to know me. So, if I could change one thing I’d make myself more outgoing generally.”
If you were to die and come back as another person or thing, what would it be?
“I think it would be really cool to come back as a bird. First off, flying would be so cool. Second, you can go wherever you want and aren’t tied down to a mortgage, or other responsibilities (or maybe you are, I really know nothing about birds and whether they pay mortgages). Lastly, if you feel like it, you can just fly over a person and show them who’s boss by dropping them a package. Sounds like a fun life after being a human.”
Who are your favorite writers?
“My favorite writers are of course the ones in our Studio! But my second favorite writers are comedy writers, those who write for TV, since I’m not a huge book person. Some of my favorite shows are well-written comedies with smart jokes that take rewatching the show (several times even) to catch and get them, like Bojack Horseman or Arrested Development.”
Who are your heroes in fiction? In real life?
“In fiction, I always tend to root for the underdogs of the story. The same can be true for real life. The kinds of people who don’t come from much and work hard in life to succeed are the real heroes — that’s the type of thing we all aspire to do.”
What historical figure do you most identify with?
“Mary Shelley. I’m brilliant and creative — often more brilliant and creative than people give me credit for. When given a task, I go above and beyond, and people are always amazed at what I come up with. I share many qualities with Mary Shelley, who basically invented science fiction as a genre when she wrote Frankenstein.
(I actually couldn’t think of one so I took a Buzzfeed quiz.)”
What is your most treasured possession?
“My house! Took a while to save up and make a move, but it was well worth the wait.”
What is your motto?
“Don’t take life too seriously. Of course, there is always a time and a place for seriousness, but shit is going to happen and life is going to move on, so why not have a little fun along the way?”