Survival of the Fittest with Hannah Triem: Fitness in the Time of the Rona
Just because this brave, new world gives us ample opportunity to sit around and stare at our screens, doesn’t mean we have to succumb to shiftlessness. Says who? Says CSG Strategy Coordinator and fitness enthusiast, Hannah Triem. Read on for her best tips, tricks and resources to get moving in the time of the Rona.
Welcome to your new life. Some of you may have found a new work/life balance, but if you’re like me, there is far less balance than I’d like to admit. And this new life has come with a hell of a lot of sitting.
You may find your morning coffee being taken on the couch….and simply staying there for the day, taking zoom meetings with awkward backgrounds that give away the fact you have had enough and are now just sitting on the floor. You may even find yourself getting distracted more and definitely staring at screens much, much more. And you are probably wondering: What does this have to do with fitness? Everything.
Just like your mind moves to create ideas, give presentations and keep this agency turning, your body needs the same movement and it is inextricably connected to that mind. Now is the time to treat your body like you depend on it every day — because you do.
“But Hannah,” I hear you say. “How am I supposed to exercise/workout/do anything remotely athletic while I am in my house 24/7?” To that I say, where is your creativity? You call yourself a strategist, I present you: The internet.
Read on for some of my favorite starting points to get moving, even if you have 15 minutes and it is 4:30 on Wednesday. No one likes working out on Wednesdays.
Need to start with simple movement (reminder: that includes all of us!): This is one of my favorite Medium articles with some lesser known static stretches that open up the neck, hips and more. Three times a day is ideal and do not forget to exercise those eyeballs.
Have 15 minutes and very limited equipment: Mari has an entire at-home guide built around three different levels. Might be for you, you never know.
Want a bit more of a challenge but still adore a home workout: Whitney rules. Don’t blow past her perfectly curated instagram, she is not messing around.
Want the crazy stuff: Check out my friends over at EmPack. This backpack features 2 water reservoirs giving up to 35lbs. of weight that your body must stabilize while running, hang cleaning or a number of other movements. You don’t have to be crazy to love the empack, it makes for other things like great backpacking preparation.
I have been fortunate enough to study and participate in the fitness world for years. Got questions? Want to connect separately to discuss something related to the above? You know where to find me.