Meet a CSGer: Haley

Born and Raised in Denver 

I grew up in the Wash Park area and graduated from George Washington High School, which is conveniently located next to a giant power plant and a 7-11. Living in my hometown has meant that every Trader Joe’s grocery experience holds the frightening possibility of running into somebody from middle school.  


Fly Fishing is Hard 

My dad was also born and raised in Colorado, so growing up we spent a lot of time fly fishing and camping. While I suck at fly fishing, I still enjoy spending time outside.


Just Bollman Things

My grandpa and I have the same exact birthday — February 11th. Every year we do a joint birthday party where we each invite all our friends and family. What you can expect from our birthday party is: 

My grandpa will only accept wine or chocolate chip cookies as a gift.  

My grandparent’s dog Charlie will threaten somebody.  



Stella Blue and Moose

Growing up, my family rescued older Dobermans. If Moose’s name doesn’t indicate how large he was, I’m here to confirm. He was also super afraid of loud noises and thunderstorms, so he wore a thunder jacket more often than not. Looks can be deceiving, folks. 

Big Head, Tiny Hands

While the size of my hands and head are somewhat more proportional now, this is still who I am when I experience any inconvenience, including having to parallel park with an audience or owing money during tax season. Some things never change. 


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