Barb’s Festival Do’s & Don’t

Mastering the Music Festival: Essential Tips for a Memorable Experience 

In my opinion, there are few things better in life than being with your friends outside watching your favorite artist jam out on stage. As such, I’ve spent many a summer with a wristband on my wrist and a festival map in my hand and have picked up a thing or two to do for the ultimate festival experience.   


So put your flower crown on and let’s dive in.  

  • Stick To Your Game Plan…Or Don’t. When the schedule is released for the festival, it's good to put together a rough game plan for the shows you want to see. Know your “must-sees” and “like-to-sees” but leave time for some spontaneity. Sometimes the artist that you’ve been waiting years to see breaks his leg and cancels two days before the show and that’s okay, because there are countless other acts to see. Festivals are the perfect time to discover new artists and genres.  

  • Plan Out Your Transportation. Leading up to the festival weekend, be sure to plot out how you’ll get to and from the grounds. It’s not something you want to be starting to figure out as your ears are throbbing from Bad Bunny and you’re in the Uber line from hell. Whether you need an extravagant metro plan or you just need to find your way back to your campsite, be sure to know in advance how you get there.  

  • Have A Post-Festival Recovery Day. After days of being on your feet, battling the crowds and not getting enough sleep, a recovery day is key. Be sure to build in one rest day (ideally by a pool) before the trip comes to a close.  

  • Don’t Forget to Pace Yourself. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement and exhaust yourself within the first few hours of the festival. Pace yourself – it's a marathon, not a sprint. Save your energy for the headliners and late-night sets by taking breaks, staying hydrated, and listening to your body throughout the day. 

  • Dress For Comfort. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve picked up some qualities from my grandma. I love a good pair of supportive shoes and always have a light jacket nearby. So sue me. The right footwear for a weekend at a festival is vital. You don’t want to find yourself in a mosh pit with Chacos on… 

  • Treat Yourself. Is $22 for a miniscule portion of pad thai ridiculous? Yes. Should you still get it? Also, yes. It can be easy to not want to spend a dime once you’re at the festival for how expensive the ticket is, but it’s also important to treat yourself and enjoy it. So, try the delicious (but overpriced) food and get yourself a souvenir. You won’t regret it.  

In the end, the festival experience is what you make it. But with the right preparation, you can make it the highlight of the summer. So, fire up the group chat and get your next festival on the books ASAP.    

CSG Studio